Day: August 10, 2015

To Arthur S. Hartford, Esq.

By Dawn Corrigan

Posted on

I’m writing concerning a case I hope you might review. From your website, I see you offer a Free Initial Consultation to every prospective client. I’m sure it’s customary to conduct these sessions in person, but I hope you’ll be willing to read this e-mail instead. I find it easier to express myself in writing than out loud, especially when it comes to the matter I’m going to tell you about.

The case concerns an alleged Sex Offense, which I see on the site is one of your areas of expertise.

The victim and her attacker were known to each other before the events I’ll describe. In fact, they dated for several months in college before breaking up and going their separate ways.

A few years later, the woman was working at a bookstore when one day the man came in.

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