'The Central Park Pact' is Peak White Feminism - The Bookends Review
The Central Park Pact Series is a romance series comprising three books: Passion on Park Avenue, Love on Lexington Avenue, and Marriage on Madison Avenue. They center on three women—Naomi, Claire, and Audrey—who were all duped by the same man, Brayden Hayes. Claire is the wife, who believed her husband was faithful, if absent. Audrey was the girlfriend, who believed he was going through a divorce and would marry her someday. Naomi was the mistress, who thought Brayden was single, and having a fling. All three find out the truth when Brayden dies in a freak accident. The wife, girlfriend, and mistress connect and become unlikely friends, striving to protect each other in their future romantic endeavors. This is not the most original idea, it has predecessors in multiple Hollywood blockbusters, but so do a lot of great romance novels. Unfortunately, these are not great. “White feminism” has been a controversial term. To boil it down, white feminism is ‘one size-fits-all’ feminism, where middle-class white women are the mould that others must fit in order to have equality. This naturally excludes marginalized groups and makes feminism the property of white women. When I picked up the first book, I was continue...
Jordan Blum