Tending My Coonties

You cannot force someone to comprehend a message they are not ready to receive. Still, you must never underestimate the power of planting a seed. – unknown. I’ve always liked Coonties.They are hardy. They are green all year.Once established, they don’t take much care. Still, they have to be properly introduced to the soil conditions at this unique place. When I got my first coonties, I dug a hole for each of them, just a bit wider and deeper than their little root balls.I put water and fertilizer in the hole and placed them in it.Soil filled the gap between the roots and the sides of the hole. The good stuff.It was meant to give them the best possible chance at a full life. God speed, my Coonties, you’re on your own, I told them.I don’t irrigate.God will give you water when She’s ready, I told them.But, sometimes, She’ll withhold.Occasionally I relent and drag the hose to where it’s needed. The first time I met my nephew, he was two years old.He was “growing like a weed,” his parents told me.We were on a beach in the Sarasota sun. There were no weeds in the moment captured in a picture … Continue reading Tending My Coonties