Jay Merill

Jay Merill is an award-winning writer living in London, UK. Her two short story collections, published by Salt are Astral Bodies and God of the Pigeons. Her latest fiction is in The Blue Nib, Del Sol Review, Hobart, The London Magazine, Lunate Fiction, PsychoPomp, and Sublunary Editions. Further work has been published in A-Minor, CHEAP POP, The Citron Review, Crack the Spine, Entropy, Epiphany, Flash Fiction Magazine, FRIGG, Gravel, Heavy Feather Review, Jellyfish Review, Lunch Ticket, Map Literary, matchbook, New World Writing, Occulum, Pithead Chapel, Prairie Schooner, Reliquiae Journal, SmokeLong Quarterly, Thrice Fiction, Upstreet Literary Journal, and Wigleaf.

Rhymes and Unreasons