In the evening

By Samn Stockwell

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we were watching the Scandinavian version of “The Bridge”
though I had sworn off anything described as unflinching.
I didn’t mind being a spectator, but the great variety of pain
that was mine: I was tired of its reflection. Who has not
witnessed the separation of love from the body it was written in?

– Samn Stockwell

Author’s Note: I have never recollected anything in tranquility, yet this poem feels unhurried, so I am pleased to have achieved that. This poem is only 3 sentences, so it doesn’t have much room to create the feel of complete action. It follows the simple arc of an idea and that is the poem’s sole movement. The way movement is often accomplished is through repetition, shifts, and juxtapositions – all harder to do successfully in a short poem, of course. ​


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