I’m Full

By R L Swihart

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Mystery: Toothpaste smear on lower right of t-shirt, always the same location.
I mean I know how it gets there but, even to save my life, I can’t figure
out how to prevent it


I love Frisch’s Homo Faber. Bob the Builder (can’t stop), whether for need
or out of boredom. Perhaps giving up on one dream or another, but never giving up
on the “drawing board,” whose surface area is infinite (or so it seems). Multiplying
words (can’t stop), as though inching toward some ultimate “reality” or “truth.”
You’ll need the ultimate word when you get there


After giving in to the junk mail from Classpals (I paid for 3 months) and getting
Laura (real or bot) to straighten out my old account (they had me in Reading
SH PA instead of Reading HS MI), I looked at all the “hellos” (from people
I never knew) and uploaded some pics from our trip to St Ives

As I was going to St Ives, I met a man with seven wives …


I took my nephew Armand to Taco Hell to celebrate something, I don’t know what.
Maybe I was trying to please my sister: she loves that child to death. It’s his fave
chain, but the only thing he’ll eat is a plain burrito: beans and cheese

Anyway, I buy two (because he says he’s starving). He takes forever to eat half of the first,
then squeezes it from the closed end. You can imagine. I shan’t describe it. Of course
now he’ll have nothing to do with the first (yuck) and switches to the second.
He takes forever on the second and eats about half. Then he says,
“I’m full”

– R L Swihart


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