Cover to Cover with . . . Jenn Bouchard

By Jenn Bouchard & Jordan Blum

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Jenn Bouchard

Jenn Bouchard’s debut novel, First Course, was published by TouchPoint Press in 2021. It has been the recipient of nine awards and distinctions, most notably as a finalist in the American Fiction Awards and the Independent Author Network Awards. Her short stories have been published in Litbreak Magazine, the Penmen Review, and the Little Patuxent Review, with an additional story forthcoming in MARY. She has presented at the Fall for the Book Festival, the AWP conference, and the Annapolis Book Festival. She is a high school social studies teacher of twenty-two years and lives with her family in the Boston suburbs. She is seeking representation for her second novel, Palms on the Cape.

In this episode of Cover to Cover with . . ., Editor-in-Chief Jordan Blum speaks with Bouchard about her prior work with The Bookends Review; the creation and publication of First Course; her recent panel at AWP 2022; and more!

– Jenn Bouchard


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