Skyler Metviner

Skyler Metviner is an avid writer of poetry who is currently working on her Master’s degree for Literacy Education at Pace University. She has recently completed her BA in English and Adolescent Education with a minor in Psychology at Pace University. Skyler’s poetry has been called out before as being “worrisome” and “concerning” as her high school guidance counselor and teachers were reached out to by a board member of a writing competition. She is working towards publishing a book of dark poetry and short stories. Skyler’s inspiration for her writing comes from the work of Edgar Allan Poe, her favorite movie (The Shinning), and the lyrics from the bands Evanescence and Flyleaf. You can usually spot her by her Harley Quinn hair or her car’s dashboard covered with cat Beanie Babies. Besides writing and furthering her education, Skyler enjoys crafting (especially painting pottery), puzzling, playing board or card games (such as Truth Bombs and Chinese Checkers), and playing fetch with her dogs (during which she has to go and get the toy). She is a big believer in creativity and strives to never think inside the box.

Using Literacy and Education to Cope with Anxiety
The Eye of the Beholder