Kelly Sargent (CNF Editor)

Kelly Sargent is a hearing impaired artist and award-winning author adopted in Luxembourg. Her books include two memoirs in verse entitled Echoes in My Eyes (Kelsay Books, 2024) and Seeing Voices: Poetry in Motion (Kelsay Books, 2022); a collection of modern haiku and senryu poems entitled Bookmarks (Red Moon Press, 2023); and Sundae Sundays, a storybook for children. Recent honors include: Firebird Book Award winner, The Rash Award in Poetry finalist, Eric Hoffer Award nominee, two-time Touchstone Award for Individual Poems nominee, and two-time Best of the Net nominee. She has also won or placed in a number of international haiku and senryu competitions. Her cover art and poems have appeared or are forthcoming in more than ninety literary journals, most recently including Rattle, Chestnut Review, and Broad River Review. She has written for SIGNews, a national newspaper for the Deaf community, worked with Deaf students in education, and reviewed for a literary magazine dedicated to making visible the artistic expression of sexual violence survivors. Visit her website to learn more about her.

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