By Nathanael O'Reilly
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pollen drifts from the oaks, floats down
to the lawn, travels on the breeze
across the grass, turns from yellow-
green to brown, collects in clumps, balls
at the foot of retaining walls
loses stickiness, turns crunchy
blocks gutters & drains, fills cracks
between concrete sidewalk slabs, coats
parked white cars & black trucks, drapes
itself over bushes, hedges
& fences, sticks to black letter-
boxes, clings to the fur of cats
attaches to running shoe soles
& laces, stealthily enters
homes through back doors, insinuates
itself into living rooms, kitchens
bedrooms & bathrooms, irritates
eyes, attacks nostrils, triggers
histamines, sneezing, headaches
brain fog, dripping noses, transports
male oak DNA into gaps
& fissures, fails to fertilize
– Nathanael O’Reilly…
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